Weeeee're Baaack!!
Life has been seriously interrupted by the "Virus that won't be named". We have missed you greatly and have finally climbed out of the rabbit hole. When under pressure we tend to slip into the cave and remain quiet. Living quietly and gently as we learned the best way to move forward in a positive productive fashion.
We had a wonderful 21-Day spring cleanse and we are super proud of everyone that took on the challenge. It was especially meaningful because...well...we were all dealing with a special moment in time. PANDEMIC ANYONE!!
Looking to find the magic in this time has been a challenge. The whole world has been in a deep heavy struggle and we were caught in the tailspin. Locked down, homeschooling, finding new ways to work and communicate have been a challenge for us too.
The gems we found - slowing down is a magical balm, reconnecting to our ancestral teachings and memories are a blessing(wild wild wild crafting in the woods), learning new ways to communicate is (a struggle - yes) a miracle of technology, and above all the crazy we have found that love surrounds us all. We have the innate ability to make positive changes. Now we must all step into the changes we want to be.
During the last spring cleanse, we started using www.copymethat.com as a place to store and record our recipe creations. It's free and a wonderful tool. Click on the link above and the app will walk you through the process of joining the fun. We will be adding the links for our recipes through that format as we move forward. Click the link and add the button to your system and you will be able to gain access to our recipes as well as many others. We hope you find this helpful as you move into the future of healthy eating.
The link below is for our recipe that is pictured above.
Be Well - Be Strong - Be Kind - Love All Being!
Sweet Curry Kisses!
In loving service Naomi & Brian